Gaëlle Courtens (*1967), journalist, editor in chief of the Swiss monthly Voce evangelica, is the coordinator for the Swiss Italian Protestant Media (Print, Online, Radio and TV), that cooperates with the Swiss Public Broadcaster RSI. Her main topics are: ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, religious freedom, secularity, religion and politics, migrations, human rights. For many years she served as Press Officer of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy. She has been a member of the WACC Steering Committee Europe. She holds a Master degree in Italian Language and Literature, Sociology, Political Science at the University of Zurich (CH), and a specialization in International Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She has been a member of the PRIX FAREL Jury in Neuchâtel, so as of the INTERFILM Jury in Venice (2014), and of the Ecumenical Juries in Locarno (2015), Cannes (2017) and Cottbus (2019).
Gaëlle Courtens