Exciting new cinematic horizons for our younger audience: At the YOUNG FILM FESTIVAL we show you international films for children and teens.

Here we want to introduce a young audience to cinema and initiate its enthusiasm for this medium. Your children and teens can make their first experiences and discoveries with and in the cinema.

The YOUNG FILM FESTIVAL includes seven films for children, teens and you, families and schools, parents and teachers. But it offers the young viewers even more than just film screenings: In addition to an educational framework, we also want to enable children and teenagers to get in touch with the filmmakers. And in our workshops and cooperations with schools, audiovisual perception is trained in a playful way, attention is encouraged and talking and thinking about film is encouraged.

  • Reservations for whole classes are possible. Accompanying teachers receive free admission.
  • Registration via: jungesfilmfest[at]
Team JUNGES FILMFESTEjungesfilmfest[at]iffmh.deEmail
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